Beauty Products

Necessary Beauty Products to Keep in Your Purse

Necessary Beauty Products to Keep in Your Purse

Behold the ultimate list of beauty products you need to keep in your purse! There are plenty of instances where you might need these items as a woman. For example, your hair can get frizzy at any moment, and that’s when the dry shampoo comes out. You may also want […]

Ways to Cut Your Nail Polish Drying Time

Ways to Cut Your Nail Polish Drying Time

Nail polish is one of those things that everyone has in their home. It’s a must-have for any occasion, whether you are going to work or on vacation. But if you’re like me, your nail polish always seems to be dried before the time it says it will take! So, […]

Which Makeup Brushes are Better – Natural or Synthetic?

Which Makeup Brushes are Better – Natural or Synthetic?

Whether you’re a makeup novice or an aficionado, you’ve probably heard the debate over natural versus synthetic makeup brushes. Some people swear by the soft, natural bristles of animal hair brushes, while others find that synthetics distribute product evenly and last longer. So which one is better for you? Makeup […]